Features Of C

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The C programming language has numerous features. Among them are:

  1. Simple And Easy to Learn
  2. Modularity
  3. Fast
  4. Portability
  5. Function Rich Libraries
  6. Dynamic Memory Management
  7. Mid-level Programming language
  8. Recursion
  9. Extensible
  10. Versatility

Simple And Easy To Learn

In comparison to other programming languages, the basic syntax style of C programming is very simple. That is why it is also known as an introductory language because it is used in schools to introduce students about programming. 


The C programming language is known as a modular or functional programming language because the entire program can be divided into small parts, each of which can be made to perform a specific function. It will aid in making software clearer and more maintainable.


C is a programming language with statically typed variables. It employs a compiler for translation. As a result, the compilation and execution times of the C language are faster.


Because C is a machine-independent language, you can run C code on different machines with minimal or no machine-specific changes. As a result, depending on your needs, you can use a single code on multiple systems. So, C is a portable language.

Function Rich Libraries

C includes a plethora of built-in functions that make programming easier and faster. In C, we can also write our own functions for specific tasks, which are known as user-defined functions.

Dynamic Memory Management

C allows user to utilize and manage the size of the data structure in C during runtime. C provides built-in functions like malloc(), calloc(), realloc() and free() to perform operation operations on data structures and memory allocation.

Mid-Level Programming Language

C is known as a middle-level language because it bridges the gap between machine and high-level languages. C language can be used for both System Programming (writing operating systems) and Application Programming.


Recursion means that, like loops, you can write a function that can call itself multiple times until a given condition is met. In C programming, recursion allows for code reusability and backtracking.


C Programming allows new features and functions to an existing program


C is a versatile programming language which can be used to write operating softwares and application softwares.

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