Top 10 sites for free business stock photos 2021


Image Credit: cottonbro/pexels

Every image is protected by copyright-a protection that gives authors the exclusive right to use or reproduce their work. There are many paid stock photo sites like iStockPhoto or Shutterstock where you can find pictures of almost anything at a heavy price. But there are some websites that provide royalty-free stock photos that use Creative Commons license that might need attribution, or even create your own image from scratch.

So, Today we will be looking for top sites that provide royalty-free stock photos for free that you can use for commercial purposes :


Pexels is the collection of free stock photos, videos, and app that helps designers, bloggers, and everyone to get high-resolution content for free. They've hundreds of thousands of free stock photos uploaded by photographers across the world. In addition, they have free stock videos too.


Unsplash has a collection of more than 300,000 beautiful and high-resolution free-to-use images from more than 50,000 contributors. Their photos are top-quality and thousands of photos are added each day. This is why, today—millions of creators from around the world have downloaded over 2 billion of their images to create presentations, artwork, mockups, and more.


Pixabay has over 2.3 million high-quality stock images, videos, and music. They are more oriented towards business and marketing than Pexels or Unsplash, which is often helpful for content marketers and bloggers. They provide photos, vector graphics, illustrations, videos, music, and many on.


Gratisography has a collection of unique types of images than any other site. They pride themselves on being the "world’s quirkiest collection of high-resolution free stock images". They are comprised of the world’s best, most creative pictures — images you just won’t find anywhere else.


Stockvault has a collection of more than a hundred thousand free, non-copyright photos, textures, backgrounds, and graphics. Their images are high-resolution and thousands of photos are added each day. They have a well-organized images category.


More than just a simple stock photo collection, Reshot is a community with a mission. They aim to give emerging photographers a platform to share their creativity with those who need it. They have got a huge collection of more than 40,000 SVG icons, 1500 illustrations, and 25,000 stock photos for free.


Rawpixel is a diverse collection of stock photos in the industry. They have vectors image, PSD mockups, and public domain design resources.


Pikwizard offers a design wizard that allows you to make basic edits like adding text overlays before downloading the photos. They have got a huge library of stunning, high-quality, and royalty-free stock photos.


Picjumbo provides free stock photos in high resolution for both personal and commercial use. It was created in November 2013 by designer, photographer, and WordPress developer Viktor Hanacek after his photos are rejected by major stock sites of that time. It is now a thriving free stock photo community with a big section of beautiful free photos.


Morguefile provides a simple free collection of photos. You'll find pictures of random people, everyday objects, etc. Unlikely any other stock photo site, It provides a collection of simple photos.

Usage rights on free stock photos
Nearly all the images on these free stock sites have a Creative Commons Zero(CC0) license means you can copy, adapt or distribute the images for personal or commercial purposes without requiring author consent. Be sure to read all the license terms of the site you'll be using for stock photos.
Read more about this on the Creative Commons Website.

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