The Selfish Giant Summary by Oscar Wilde

Here is the summary of selfish giant by oscar wilde

Oscar Wilde wrote the short story ‘The Selfish Giant’ for children. It was first published in 1888 in the anthology ‘The Happy Prince and Other Tales.’ This is a story about a giant who learned an important lesson about love and sharing, and it has different meanings for different ages. The story’s message is one of coexistence and spreading love. It is the story of a young boy who was both a God’s messenger and a selfish giant. The giant forbade the children from playing in his garden. As a result, winter was always present in his garden. Here is the author’s introduction and summary of “The Selfish Giant”.



Oscar Wilde was an Irish wit, poet, novelist, and playwright who lived from 1854 to 1900. Wilde was born to literary and professional parents. Sir William Wilde, his father, was an ear and eye surgeon who also published books. His mother was a revolutionary poet as well as an expert on Celtic mythology and folklore. He published a book of poems, lectured on the new “English Renaissance in Art” and interior decoration in the United States and Canada, and then returned to London, where he was a prolific journalist.

Wilde, known for his biting wit, rose to prominence as one of the most well-known figures of his time. His only novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891), and his comic masterpieces Lady Windermere’s Fan (1892) and The Importance of Being Earnest (1893) are his most famous works (1895). He was a representative of the late-nineteenth-century Aesthetic movement in England, which advocated art for the sake of art.


This is a story written by Oscar Wilde. It is a children’s story. In this story, we can find the characters like the selfish giant, and his friend Cornish Ogre who are mythical humans.

The story begins with the children who used to play in the giant’s garden after school; the garden was large and very beautiful, with green grass and beautiful flowers like stars scattered over it. There was the castle of the giant also.

After seven years, the giant returned from his friend Cornish Ogre. He became furious when he saw the children playing in his garden, growling and chasing them out. To ensure it wouldn’t happen again, he built a high wall around his garden and put up a notice board with a warning. On the board “TRESPASSERS WILL BE PROSECUTED” was written.

The children became quite upset because they missed their lovely place to play and they didn’t find any suitable place for them to play. Because of the bad behavior of the giant, the garden started to become ugly.

Although there was spring season all over the country, it stopped appearing in the giant’s garden, and instead, only the winter season remained. The frost, the north wind, the hail, and the snow started appearing there whereas there were beautiful flowers, fruits, and birds chirruping outside his garden where children were free. The giant became very sad to find the boring condition of his garden.

One morning, he saw the most wonderful sight: He saw the little hole in the wall through which the children were entering his garden, and he saw them playing in his garden. The trees were so glad to welcome the children back again in the garden.

They had covered themselves with blossoms. The birds were also flying and twittering with delight. He found spring season once again in his garden because of the presence of the children. Far away in one corner, there was still winter. He saw a small boy there who couldn’t climb up the tree.

The north wind was blowing and roaring above the poor tree covered with frost and snow, prompting the giant to realize his mistake. His heart melted, and he noticed why the Spring wouldn’t come into his garden, so he went there and helped the boy. The boy, delighted, kissed the giant in gratitude.

The giant broke the wall of his garden. He permitted the children to play in his garden. He started playing with them. After some years, the giant became old and weak. He was very feeble too. He couldn’t play with the children so he sat on a huge armchair and watched the children playing the games. One day, while he was sitting on his chair, he saw a marvelous sight in the farthest corner of the garden.

There was the same little boy whom he had loved. He rushed towards there but became angry to find signs of nails on the boy’s palms and feet. When he asked the boy about him, the boy related to him his help and offered him his garden which was the garden of paradise. That particular afternoon, the giant was found dead underneath a big tree. White blossoms covered his body.


  • The Selfish Giant is a story by Oscar Wilde about a giant who lives in a beautiful garden and refuses to let anyone enter.
  • One day, a group of children comes to the garden, but the giant chases them away.
  • When the giant realizes his mistake, he regrets his actions and decides to open his garden gates.
  • The children are overjoyed and rush into the garden, where they spend all day playing and enjoying themselves.
  • The giant is moved by the children’s happiness and decides to keep his garden open for them all year round.
  • Every morning, the children come to the garden to play, and the giant watches them in contentment.
  • Eventually, the giant learns the true meaning of friendship and love, as he comes to accept and care for the children.
  • The story ends with the giant’s garden being a place of joy and beauty, with the children using it as their playground.


A. Where did the children use to play?

Ans: The children used to play in the giant’s beautiful garden after school in the afternoons.

B. What did Snow and the Frost do to the garden? 

Ans: Snow and Frost were two agents who appeared in the Giants’ garden after the Giants treated their children disrespectfully; consequently, snow blanketed the grass in white and frost turned all the trees silver, even inviting the north wind to spend the night with them.

C. What did the giant hear when he was lying awake in bed? 

Ans: When the giant awoke in his bed, he heard some lovely music from a little singing bird linnet. He finally heard the music after a long time.

D. Why do you think spring season never came to the giant’s garden? 

Ans: Like the children, I believe the spring season became depressing. She became enraged and never returned to the giant’s garden to witness the giant’s rudeness and selfishness toward the innocent children.

E. How did the giant realise his mistake?

Ans: When the giant noticed an unexpected change in his garden, he realized his error. He held himself personally accountable for all of his actions toward the children, and when the boys reappeared, he re-bloomed his garden with leaves and flowers. He had discovered snow, frost, north winds, fog, and other weather conditions in his yard. In the garden, he heard a bird singing. As a result, he recognized his error.

F. Why is the speaker saying that ‘the children are the most beautiful flowers of all?

Ans: The narrator, who saw children in his garden, believes that “children are the most beautiful flowers ever.” Consequently, he was struck by their innocence and naiveté, believing that children are a gift from nature whose presence brightens the entire garden and that many different types of leaves and flowers are in bloom. Valuing the children in his garden more than the flowers, he knows that they are far more valuable.

G. He was struck by her innocence and naiveté, believing that children are a gift from nature whose presence brightens the entire garden, and that many different types of leaves and flowers are in bloom. Valuing the children in his garden more than the flowers, he knows that they are far more valuable.

Ans: The little child reappears the next time in one of the garden’s corners. The giant is currently quite elderly and frail. This time, the boy appeared to prefer the giant who once let him play in his garden. The giant continues to search for and awaits the small child. In reality, he is only alive to meet the small child. Finally, after hearing the small child’s words, he dies in the afternoon.

H. The story makes use of personification as one of the main figures of speech. Cite three examples of personification from the story. What is the significance of the seasons personified in the story? 

Ans: The author has used a figure of speech effectively here. Personification can be seen in the Snow, Frost, and North Wind. The seasons are important in the story because they are linked to nature and play an important role in transforming the giant’s garden into a unique force against evil deeds.

I. This story can be read like a fairytale, where the children, the seasons, the tree, the corner of the garden, the snow, the wind and the frost are all used as symbolism. Interpret those symbols.

Ans: The spring season represents happiness in this scenario, while the winter season represents misery. The tree represents the child’s Christ-like identity. God’s sacred location is represented by the garden’s corner, from which atonement is possible. Snow, wind, and ice represent a unique deterrent to evil.

J. Which figure of speech is used for ‘winter, frost, snow, north wind, hail and little child’? Who is the little child compared to?

Ans: This short story effectively uses personification. Winter, frost, snow, north wind, hail, and a small infant are all depicted beautifully here. Winter, frost, and snow have all been personified as powerful feminine genders. They carried out their duties in defiance of the giant’s actions. The north wind, hail, and a young child have all been personified as masculine genders endowed with abilities.

The Christian God ‘Lord Jesus’ links the young child in this story. This young boy possesses divine powers and the ability to change everything. As a result of his presence, the garden has flourished with beautiful leaves and flowers. The presence of two nails on the small child’s hands and feet reminded us of the crucifixion of Lord Jesus.

K. What is the main theme of this story?

Ans: This story explores a variety of themes, including hubris, the consequences of selfishness, love and compassion, the concept of salvation, and so on. Rewards always follow good deeds, and punishments always follow bad deeds. Here, we simply see the giant’s arrogance and selfishness toward the children, both of which have backfired on him. However, as a result of his good deeds, he now has an excellent platform from which to approach the outside world.

L. Does God punish those who are cruel to children and very selfish?

Ans: God punishes people who are cruel and selfish to children. Children are supposed to be the most innocent of God’s creations. They are well-known for their straightforwardness. Their presence suggests a good omen. This story about God’s punishment of the giant is a great example. He condemns himself for his evil behaviour.

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